SENDCo: Mr Smallman
Phone: 01293 525966
We are a mainstream, inclusive school that fully complies with the requirements outlined in the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice (2014). At Southgate Primary School we recognise that the quality of teaching within the classroom has the greatest influence over children’s progress. We therefore invest in training, resources and monitoring to ensure our classrooms are an inclusive place for all children. This is known as the ‘Universal Provision’ or ‘Quality First Teaching’.
'Targeted Provision' is then planned to enable children to accelerate their progress and work at, or above the expectations for their age. These sessions are generally taught in a small groups and sometimes on a 1:1 basis. They can also be strategies used with the children to help them be successful in the classroom.
A child identified as having SEND also receives ‘Specialist Provision’ in the form of interventions. These may be provided individually or in a small group, and the support provided is personalised to enable the child to achieve their potential. This support is additional to or different from the everyday curriculum for that class and is detailed in an Individual Support Plan (ISP). This plan is prepared by the class teacher, overseen by the SENDCo and is reviewed regularly. It may also include provision/ advice from an external agency or professional, such as a Speech and Language therapist.
Examples of provision can be found below. Your child's teacher will carefully select the support that is best suited their need.
Inclusive Quality First Teaching or Universal Provision
Cognition and Learning
Communication and Interaction
Social, Emotional and Mental Health
Sensory and Physical
- Using a mixture of visual, auditory and kinaesthetic activities in lessons
- Scaffolding learning
- Teachers targetted questioning in class
- LA Support group
- Teacher Support group
- Practical resources
- Increased visual aids, keywords, diagrammatic representations
- Use of writing frames
- Pupils are set targets for their learning
- Use of ICT
- Whole class visual timetable
- The classroom environment supports learning through models, images and a range of visuals and key vocabulary
- Pupils are given extra take-up time for responses to questions or contributions to group discussions
- Talk partners
- Vocabulary rich classroom
- Positive praise
- Whole school reward systems promoting learning behaviour
- Values assembly
- Seating plans in all classes- taking into account physical and sensory needs and SEN information
- Whole school THRIVE approach
- Playground Leaders
- School Council
- House Captains
- Concrete and visual materials and objects of reference to establish concepts and skills
- Clear classroom and school routines are supported by visual clues
Targeted Support
Cognition and Learning
Communication and Interaction
Social, Emotional and Mental Health
Sensory and Physical
- Focus teacher groups/teaching
- Extra phonics teaching
- Focussed LA support in small groups
- Class Teacher support in class
- Appropriate practical resources available
- Daily 1:1 reading
- Personal visual Timetable
- Now/Next/Then boards
- Own working space
- Position in classroom
- Helicopter teaching
- How accessing the lesson (using the backwards approach)
- Personalised reward systems
- Writing cues/ frames
- Visual prompts
- Use of ICT support
- Printed copies of lesson slides
- HFW Work
- Daily Times Table/counting practice
- Pre teaching
- Spellings group
- Warm up/pre teaching
- Use of a laptop/iPad
- Adapt ways of recording their work
- Visual concept map
- Counters to represent words in sentences
- Task Boards
- Sentence starters
- Talk tins
- Recording their ideas and thoughts
- Rehearsing verbal answers
- Taking partners/groups
- Pre teach vocabulary
- Model good use of language
- Refer to ‘Word Aware’ strategy book
- Communication fix programme
- Barrier Games
- Behaviour chart
- Reward chart
- Regular contact with parent (contact book, email, phone calls)
- Personalised visual timetable
- Behaviour cue cards
- Calm box
- Drawing and Talking Therapy
- Fidget toys
- Calm space
- Own working space
- Keeping them in mind “how was football club last night?”
- Sensory breaks
- Social skills group
- Special responsibility
- Daily check ins from Learning Mentor
- Meet and greet
- Positive post it book
- Catch me being good book
- Extra PHSCE/Circle time related to issue
- Circle of friends
- ‘I need time out’ card
- Extra healthy snack (agreed with and provided by the parent)
- Fidget toys
- Sensory breaks
- Colour of the paper they use
- Colour of the background of flip chart slides
- Pencil grip
- Handwriting group
- Visual reminders of letter formation
- Ear defenders
- Reading tracker
- Finger space aid
- Position in the classroom/on the carpet
- Jump ahead
- Throwing and catching practice
- Fizzy hands Programme
Specialist Provision
Cognition and Learning
Communication and Interaction
Social, Emotional and Mental Health
Sensory and Physical
- ISP’s Individual Support Plans
- Individual and personalised interventions
- Outside agency support from
- ASCT (Autism and Social Communication Team)
- LBAT (Learning and Behaviour Team)
- SALT (Speech and Language Team)
- EP (Educational Psychologist)
- School Nurse
- 1:1 Speech and Language support from LSA
- Communication interventions
- Outside agency support from
- SALT (Speech and Language Team)
- Personalised behaviour plans (PSP)
- Individual support from Thrive Practitioners
- Access to GLF behaviour support
- Referral to outside agencies
- ASCT (Autism and Social Communication Team)
- LBAT (Learning and Behaviour Team)
- EP (Educational Psychologist)
- School Nurse
- Personalised risk assessments
- Specific support from a learning Assistant or Learning Mentor
- Referral to Occupational Therapy, (OT) support
- Sensory Support Team Support
- Individual Care Plans
- Equipment for specific needs purchased when needed
- Access to school nurse
- If applicable, specific support from a Learning Assistant
- Individual risk assessments
Useful websites: