At Southgate Primary School, we take safeguarding very seriously. We have 6 trained safeguarding leads and all staff have annual and on going training on child protection and safeguarding.
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Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mr Gary Smallman |
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Miss Victoria Hatton
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mr Paul McDowell |
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Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Sandra Bangay |
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Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Kelly Burns |
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Miss Jess Cushman |
SSB Safeguarding Lead:
- Mr Liam McGivern
GLF Schools Designated Safeguarding Lead:
- Mrs Fiona Jarman
GLF Trustee for Safeguarding:
- Gaby O'Meara
LADO: 0330 222 3339
IFD: 01403 22 99 00 (9-5pm)
Out of hours phone: 0330 222 6664 to speak to our emergency duty officer
Safe School, Safe Staff
We will ensure that:
All members of the governing body understand and fulfil their responsibilities, namely to ensure that:
- there is a Child Protection policy together with a staff behaviour (code of conduct) policy
- that GLF Schools operates safer recruitment procedures by ensuring that there is at least one person on every recruitment panel that has completed Safer Recruitment training
- GLF Schools has procedures for dealing with allegations of abuse against staff and volunteers and to make a referral to the DBS if a person in regulated activity has been dismissed or removed due to safeguarding concerns, or would have had they not resigned.
- a senior leader in each school has Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) responsibility
- all other staff have Safeguarding training updated as appropriate
- any weaknesses in Child Protection are remedied immediately
- a member of the SSB is nominated to liaise with the LA on Child Protection issues and in the event of an allegation of abuse made against the Headteacher
- Child Protection policies and procedures are reviewed annually and that the Child Protection policy is available on each school website or by other means
- the SSB considers how children may be taught about safeguarding. This may be part of a broad and balanced curriculum covering relevant issues through personal social health and economic education (PSHE) and/or for maintained schools through sex and relationship education (SRE).
- that enhanced DBS checks are in place for all GLF staff and members of the GLF SSB
The Lead DSL is a member of the Senior Leadership Team. There will also be at least one Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead.
The DSLs who are involved in recruitment will also complete Safer Recruitment Training to be renewed every 5 years. All members of staff and volunteers are provided with child protection awareness information at induction, including in their arrival pack, the school safeguarding statement so that they know who to discuss a concern with. All members of staff are trained in and receive regular updates in e-safety and reporting concerns. All other staff have child protection awareness training, updated by the DSL as appropriate, to maintain their understanding of the signs and indicators of abuse. All members of staff, volunteers, know how to respond to a pupil who discloses abuse. All parents/carers are made aware of the responsibilities of staff members with regard to child protection procedures through publication of the school’s Child Protection Policy. Our lettings policy will seek to ensure the suitability of adults working with children on school sites at any time. Community users organising activities for children are aware of the school’s child protection guidelines and procedures. Our procedures will be regularly reviewed and up-dated.
The name of the designated members of staff for Child Protection, the Designated Safeguarding Lead, will be clearly advertised in the school, with a statement explaining the school’s role in referring and monitoring cases of suspected abuse. The DSL’s for each school will be listed in the front of the policy.
All new members of staff will be given a copy of the GLF Safeguarding Statement, and child protection policy, with the DSLs’ names clearly displayed for the appropriate school, as part of their induction into the school.
The policy is available publicly both on the GLF website and on each school website. Parents/carers are made aware of this policy and their entitlement to have a copy of it via the school website.
How to contact Children's Services
If you are concerned about the safety of a child, young person or an adult you can contact West Sussex Integrated Front Door (IFD).
The IFD responds to initial enquiries about children, young people and adults. The IFD is based in Horsham and combines Children's Service social workers, Adult’s Service social workers, and health and police staff.
- Phone: 01403 229 900 (9 – 5pm)
- Out of hours phone: 0330 222 6664 to speak to our emergency duty
- Email:, emails are dealt with during normal office hours
Prevent Duty
Published by the government in July 2015, the Prevent Duty outlines the expectations placed on schools and other childcare providers to protect children and young people from radicalisation and extremism.
They adjudge extremism to constitute views, attitudes or behaviours which run contrary to core British values such as democracy, the rule of law and individual liberty.
At Southgate Primary, we feel we prepare and protect the children from these dangers by our focus on community. Our values form an important part of this, but so do many of our topics and projects within class and in wider school life.
Whilst it is important that the correct technical systems are in place to guarantee that the children are safe whilst using the internet. It is equally important to ensure that the children are taught how to use the internet safely. They must understand how to keep themselves safe. We work with CEOPs to ensure that our children are given the necessary tools to keep themselves safe whilst using the internet.
Useful Websites for Internet Safety:
For further help and advice on keeping children safe on the internet please click on the websites below: