It is our policy that all children must have full school uniform, worn correctly, for daily attendance at school. It is expected that uniform will also be worn when pupils are representing the school including visits and sports fixtures, whether or not these are in school hours.
Wearing school uniform helps children to feel part of our school community. It promotes cooperation and a sense of school identity and we expect all children to wear the correct uniform with pride.
Second-hand Uniform Arrangements
Our school runs secondhand sales throughout the year.
The sales offer parents the opportunity to purchase good quality secondhand uniform at very reasonable prices and at a fraction of the cost of new uniform. A message will be sent out shortly before each sale confirming the date and time of the sale. We kindly ask that any uniform to be donated to the sale should be sent into school office during pre-advertised collection weeks and not throughout the term.
Should you wish to help on the day of the sale or have any further questions please contact the school office. In line with the school’s Uniform Policy, only good quality, clean, current uniform will be accepted into the sale. Please try to remove all name tags if this is possible.
To purchase new Southgate Primary School jumpers, cardigans and ties please visit www.yourimageschoolwear.co.uk. Other items can be purchased at local supermarkets and are good value for money.
Item of uniform |
Southgate navy logo V neck jumper or Southgate navy logo cardigan
White buttoned shirt
Southgate blue tie (elastic or clip on)
Dark grey trousers or Dark grey skirt or Dark grey pinafore
Plain white socks |
Dark coloured school shoes
Southgate bookbag |
Navy or grey Hijab |
P.E Kit |
Plain black shorts |
House colour round necked T shirt |
Black or navy tracksuit bottoms |
P.E. bag |
Black trainers |
Optional |
Light blue summer gingham (checked) dress or all in one short suit – knee length
Hats for summer that protect the eyes and neck