Year 2 Church Visit
Year 2 visited the local church to learn about the church building and artefacts. They sketched objects in the church, learnt some bible stories and even got to hear the organ!
We wish you health and happiness from all at Southgate Primary School. pic.twitter.com/ZMPmx1pWg9
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Happy holidays from all at Southgate Primary. pic.twitter.com/vtgb1q3nIJ
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Our 4 and 5 year olds sang their hearts out at the end of term concert for Parents. The Parents did a mean Reindeer Hokey Cokey too! pic.twitter.com/I0Vc52aOn7
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Mary had a baby, yes Lord, Mary had a baby, yes my Lord. Key Stage 1 presented the Christmas Nativity to Parents and Carers - a wonderful performance. pic.twitter.com/xevB8l0tUi
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A festive time was had by all on Christmas Dinner Day! pic.twitter.com/7iIEM7XNWy
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Well done boys! Great team spirit and a determination to succeed. We are all proud of you. pic.twitter.com/SrClSa9ouU
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We thoroughly enjoyed our author visit. We read the story, created our own character and did illustrations too. pic.twitter.com/t8QxrhQLNE
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Well done Southgate for your team spirit and tenacity at the netball tournament last week. Those smiles say it all (this was before it got dark and poured with rain!) pic.twitter.com/joirprpOGE
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We are thrilled to invite Danielle Verbeeten into Southgate to talk about her super book Eddie the Elf. Danielle is the author and illustrator. There will be an opportunity to buy this wonderful book and have it autographed by Danielle herself. We can't wait! pic.twitter.com/t6YUaWdAUh
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We are striving to improve in all we do. Look at these resilient writers who persevere to do their best. pic.twitter.com/qXJXpdMDRH
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We wore dots, spots and stripes for Children in Need 2022. pic.twitter.com/wieycaSRJf
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Southgate launched Anti-bullying week with an Odd Sock Day. Here are Year 2 and Year 6 showing off their mismatched pairs! pic.twitter.com/LeZ5lyb2Nm
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Years 1 to 6 held a 1 minute silence to commemorate Remembrance Day today. Our Reception Classes learned about poppies! pic.twitter.com/46ojQtmIPk
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We spend as much time as possible in the Learning Garden at Southgate. We don't have to be inside to learn here! pic.twitter.com/2NIrEIBos6
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Look who has been working extremely hard and received a Good News Certificate. we were looking out for super learners and those children who are co-operative with others, all the time. I am super proud of them all. pic.twitter.com/S3qxGutVcq
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Welcome back to school everyone! We're having a musical time in Donaldson Class. pic.twitter.com/h8AnlBFnSo
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Don't forget, the clocks go back an hour this evening! Get your alarms ready for school on Monday pic.twitter.com/8LFsGPxGTQ
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A super first half term at Southgate, always proud of our children and their achievements. pic.twitter.com/NzDAYvezbu
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Year 3 have been studying the Stone Age in History and found an interesting way to reperesent this prehistoric and neolithic structure. Stonehenge in biscuit form! pic.twitter.com/rm5qNz2Mzw
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We are part of GLF Schools who has its 10 year anniversary today. We dressed as our favourite sports personalities, actors and singers (plus some super heroes thrown in for good measure) We are proud to be part of this family of schools.#GLFis10 pic.twitter.com/ayruf98rUX
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